"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." - Dr. Seuss
The most amazing thing about children is their ability to dream. To a grown adult, a large field with grass that is so healthy and green is just that, a field. But to a child who has spent the whole day indoors, it becomes more than that. It becomes a lost kingdom as she runs all over pretending to be the famous king of the castle. It can even become an ocean and so the little angel rolls around the grass happily and carefree. I think that right there is true intelligence.
I wonder how different the world would be if everyone pursued their dreams without caring what everyone else thought. Actually I wonder how different my life would be if I decided to go confidently in the direction of my dreams? Would I be happier? Would I inspire everyone else to do the same? Would the world actually be a better place because suddenly everyone was too busy being happy they wouldnt have the time or energy to spend bringing each other down?
I don't know... maybe I'm the naive one here. The one who believes that all the world's problems will be solved if everyone had this sort of inner peace and happiness that was so true it radiated to others. If everyone was happy with what they have then there wouldn't be crime because no one would be jealous and want to steal or kill. Presenting the solution to world peace. Think about it. And if we weren't spending time being jealous we would care about each other and we wouldn't let those around us starve if we could do something to prevent it. Presenting the solution to ending world hunger. Nobel prize anyone?
Yes... you do not have to say it I am very aware. I live in this bubble that floats away in a land far from where everyone else lives. Do not dare bring me back to reality.
I am quite content in this space. In fact the only thing I would change is that I would want more of my 7 year old self around.
Because at 7 life is this playground which only gets more fun the more you play in it. Even though you get hurt and bruise your knees every so often it only gives you more energy to go on the highest slide. If we all lived like that wouldn't we have more courage to take the biggest risks?
I am at a point in my life where I am officially fed up with conformity. I wonder how many people are at that point too and what they are doing about it? Are they getting inappropriate tattoos and piercings? That is an option but I seek something whose effects are likely to change more than just my physical appearance.( I still intend to gett ink though so advice on where to get one is highly appreciated :) )
I have decided to embark on a journey and to document it.
This right here is a story of my journey as I seek to defy the norm.
This is the diary of a dream chaser as she chases her dreams.