Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Sisterhood of the Bloggers Award TAG

I really do not have much time to write this. Honestly, I have a CAT to read for and an anthology to compile and I need to get home but because when duty calls you obey, here I am. So please bear with any typos.
Let me first start by telling you about the most beautiful feeling in the world: appreciation.
Just think about what it feels like to be told a simple "thank you, you are awesome". That magical feeling  you get when somebody takes a minute to recognize the awesomeness you bring into the world. I don't know which compliments make you feel amazing but mine come in the form of the recognition of my writing. Like, that feeling when somebody looks at something I wrote and acknowledges it. I love that.
As a blogger and writer, I also believe in passing that high to other people and with that let me begin.
This beautiful internet has decided to appreciate we beautiful female bloggers and I definitely want to be a part of this.
So, I was nominated by +tesh imani and here goes a few randomly answered questions in celebration of this lovely Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award.
But before I go on I would like to nominate the following females who I think are doing great with their writing and the world should watch out for them;
+Kanyiri Laiboni of  Space Cadet Theories and Musings
+Michelle Moxie of The African Girl
 +Shasha Rshan of Beauty for Broke Girls,
 +The Lordess of the amazing style and beauty blog  thelordess.blogspot.com Enid of mwayulienid.com and lastly,
 Viqq of humanbeingforequality.wordpress.com because her mind is a work of art.
Oh and once nominated just copy the questions below, answer them in your own beautiful way and nominate bloggers who you celebrate as well.
So here goes
1. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
 Any feline, probably a Lion because obviously I am a Leo. However, I think lions and all cats are just beings of wonder. First of all their beauty and also their hunting prowess is just amazing. I sure would not mind living my life at the top of the food chain.

2. What legacy would you like to leave behind?
I would love to be a soft memory who impacted the world by having a clean heart and showing that there is more to life than negativity. I want the world to be a place where people love each other a little more and show it in their unique ways just because my life was filled with the same kind of energy.
I want the world to be a place where art is celebrated by everyone because beauty is universal and it is in everyone and everything.

 3. Name one thing you love about yourself, why?
My creativity, just because it is the one thing I learnt about myself at a very young age. My ability to be a great writer/poet is what makes me unique and gives me a million reasons to fall in love with myself everytime I look in the mirror.

4. What would you like to change about yourself or improve on?
Coming from someone who has had her fair share of self esteem issues growing up, you would expect this list to be lengthy but right now I am starting to accept myself the way I am. BUT! If I was to think about it hard enough I'd say I am not the most patient of people, I wish I wasn't. And also I am working on warming up to people more.

5. If you could fly for a day, where would you go?
Sydney in the Summer. Because I was there once and I fell in love with the sun and the sea and life and I would do anything to get that good feeling again.
6. If you could have supernatural abilities what would it/they be?
I am tempted to pass on this because I am not big on the supernatural.
However, the ability to go back in time seems very appealing to me right now.

7. Where would you like to live? Why?
Somewhere where the sun shines almost every day. Like in a tropical island without the tropical creepy crawlies ;)

8. If you could meet anyone, who would it be? {past, present, future}

Past- my dad, just to talk to him and feel like his little girl again.
Present- Fashion Blogger Sharon Mundia because I admire all that she has achieved just by following her passion.
Future- My future teenage daughter, just to see how she would turn out.
9. Why do you blog?
Because Meg=Writing and I feel happy when I write.
Because God gave me a talent and I feel bad wasting it.
Because writing is what makes me awesome.

10.Would you consider yourself happy?
Not yet.
But I am learning acceptance and to love myself a little more so I can confidently say I am in the pursuit of it.
Thanks for reading and to my nominees please tag me, I would love to read them.