Thursday, 28 January 2016

Meg's Favourite: YA books to read

And we're back!!
It's Me....

But this isn't Adele speaking lol.

*snaps back to normal mode again*

So I promised to make this a new series for 2016 and this post was actually meant to go live last week but you know, life and PMS, mostly PMS happened. I am really sorry.

For today's post I thought I'd talk about fiction because I love fiction. I cannot read a non-fiction book to save my life but give me a piece of that fiction and my mind shuts down until that story is properly devoured.
Add young adult fiction to the mix and I become a total zombie.

Yes, feel free, judge all you want but I am that 22 year old who reads books decades below her. Well, one decade to be precise, but still. I really shouldn't be reading this shit. I should be reading the Sydney Sheldon's and Dan Brown's and Sophie Kinsella. John Green should not be one of my favourite authors. I am an adult. I should love being an adult and do adult things. NOT!!

Anyway, here is a list of my ultimate top 5 Young Adult fiction books plus my favourite uber mushy and deep quotes from them :))

1. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.

This book! Dear Lord this book!! I can't even! Like honestly, every time I think about it I start to get emotional. Perhaps because the author did a fantastic job of painting the picture of a little youngin who is just learning how to deal with emotions and being human and basically just life.

This one had me all up in my feelings I even blogged about it here. And it is a masterpiece. A stunning work of art. We've all been that kind of broken and Chbosky reminds us that this situation is never permanent.

"... I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons and maybe we'll never know most of them but even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from we can still choose where we go from there...."

2. Looking for Alaska by John Green
This book is just the SI Unit for BFF goals.  I fell in love with this book because Alaska is that beautiful, unpredictable ball of energy we all wish we had as a best friend growing up. And in a way we all have that one Alaska kind of person in our lives, the one who comes in shakes our world and then leaves and we are left wondering what to do next, Plus the way the author tells the story is a slight twist from the normal first person narration and I think that is really cool.

" ... we need never be hopeless because we can never be irreparably broken."

3. Paper Towns by John Green
John Green is on this list. Again. Because I wish John Green was around when I was thirteen, oh how I wish. So this one for me is a win just because I fell in love with the journey Quentin was on. Like every other book in this genre there are a lot of self discovery moments and the way he uses his words, laaawwd!! This book is about a friendship and an adventure in pursuit of that friendship.

"... I'm in love with cities I've never been to and people I have never met."

4. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

This has to be the ultimate teenage love story, well besides the one between one Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters of course, Also I think it is the one book which provides encouragement to that awkward girl who has a lot of problems back home that indeed stuff gets better, It actually does. And it did. Spoiler alert... the author failed to give us a happy ending in this one. Which sucks but this one is totally worth the disappointment.

"Holding Eleanor's hand was like holding a butterfly or a heartbeat. Like holding something complete and completely alive and he'd expected her to feel like heaven plus Nirvana plus that scene in Willy Wonka where Charlie starts to fly."

5. The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins

Between watching the movie I'd recommend the books because the books help you understand more about the situation in the wondrous land of Panem that prompted Katniss to step out as tribute setting off the whirlwind of events that followed. I am not big on fantasy fiction but I fell for this one because there is something really captivating in the story. Also Liam Hemsworth. Liam freaking Hemsworth.

*dreamy sigh*

But to enjoy his yumminess you need to watch the movie, Which isn't the worst idea but please read the books first. They will not disappoint.

"It's the things we love most that destroy us."

Till next time, thanks for dropping by. 
Love and sunshine,
Megan :-*

all my images are from Google. 

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


The least the soil you protect could do for you
Is shed its tears

If the blood you shed washes away
Let the universe still know
You were here

If we ever forget you,
At least let the water bless the ground

Where finally, you peacefully

image from GOOGLE

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Meg's favourite: Poets on Instagram

This year I have resolved to celebrate my narcissism because let's face it I am awesome. Everything about me is phenomenal from my teeth in need of braces, again, to my size 45 feet to pretty much everything in between. I drip awesomeness. Really I do. And my taste is pretty awesome too. It has to be considering how awesome my mind is.
Well not really. I have lied. I will stop lying. And pardon my sarcastic narcissistic rant earlier, I was having a moment.

*Insert awkward silence here*

Anyway,  I am certainly not a connoisseur of fine food and I rarely let friends go through my music because I have one of those 'don't judge me' type of playlists.
And yeah I basically have very few interests besides poetry, books and chilling with my Cat.
But I like some things which are pretty awesome and I thought I'd add a new section to this blog so every Wednesday expect a 'Meg's favourite' post. Perhaps that may encourage me to try new hobbies so expect to see items such as Meg's favourite: Places in Nairobi to go knitting or Meg's favourite: Shops to get unique jigsaw puzzles from. :) Again just kidding, I will not allow this blog to bore you that much. Although if you are in search of new things to try visit this page for a list of 100 totally cheap hobbies you can start.

So back to today's list.

Now we all know I love poetry, after all I am THE AMATEUR POET. And of course I love Instagram. I mean what else are we meant to do when we are "catching up" with friends besides sit across the table from them and stare at our gigantic smart phones right? LOL.

So sometime last year I discovered how to make my Instagram Home Page more colourful thanks to amazing poets and writers who grace the internet with snippets of their amazing artistry. Therefore below is a list of some of my favorite accounts which I also think you should follow if you want to be blown away when idly scrolling through your page. Enjoy.

Abigail Arunga.

Now I first heard of her sometime last year when she did this interview to promote her anthology Akello. She is a poet, writer and lifestyle blogger and the best part she is KENYAN, just like me. So back to the issue of why I like her page, besides the pictures of cocktails she posts which will have you feeling all thirsty on a Thursday, are the amazing little pieces she posts. Plus she is so cool she also posts her work on her blog (check it out here) And she posts regularly!!

Tapiwa Mugabe.

Tapiwa's poetry is just life!! Well most African Poets are just life, but there is something so magical about the way he weaves his words so of course he had to be on this list. Why should you follow his page?Well I think the power in the screenshot below says a hell of a lot more. Although I certainly wish he would post more often.

Rupi Kaur.

Who is she? She did a whole exhibition based on Menstruation. And caused major  headlines when Instagram took down one of her pictures yet they constantly allow people to post twerk videos and nudes. But most importantly she talked about the taboo M word. And she showed us what exactly the M word is all about, see here. But I came across her poetry much later and I love it. However, she is also another Instagrammer who takes a while before she posts. But  I certainly believe with her, it is so worth the wait.

Ijeoma Umebinyuo

She is Nigerian. And she is really cool. Her Instagram page is not always just about her poetry, she uses it to post about everything else which is cool in her world. And this includes anything from harsh tweets about her home country, Nigeria to screenshots of what is she is currently listening to.

Yrsa Daley Ward.

Well, ever since around August last year, she is and always will be Bae. I mean look at her she is beautiful like eehmagaaawd, she wears her melanin so nicely. And those cheek bones!!! *white girl voice* Like I just.can't. even!!!

This pic is from her lovely Tumblr page.

Aaanyway, her writing is so awesome. I think at every single point there is a line from her anthology- Bone- running through my mind, perfectly describing how I feel. And another reason her page is awesome? She posts regularly. And she can even ambush your time-line with like 5 excerpts from her work at once. And she is also kind enough to even use this platform to tell us of any really cool offers Amazon has on her book making it easier for you to download her book. Yaay :)

Nayyirah Waheed.

Her poetic style is unique, she keeps her poems short but her choice of words is very thought-provoking. Like Yrsa, her Instagram page is very active and a lot of what she posts appears in her anthologies too.

The Poetry Bandit.

What I love about the Poetry Bandit's style is how his posts use this uber cool type-writer template. He gets deep. Very deep. Sometimes taking you to some very dark places with his writing. And I love that. I particularly encourage you to go through his page when love has you feeling all fucked  up. I guarrantee you will feel so much better when you are done. :)

So that's my list. Know anyone else I should be following, drop me a comment. I would love to check them out.

Thank you for reading.