Making: Plans for what my next blog post will be about. This blog is becoming my baby and I don't want to be that blogger who started with so much psyche only to ditch this blog leaving all you dear readers high and dry.
Cooking: Nothing at all. Eating on the other hand, well, anything full of sugar, salt or starch that tastes foo-gasmic. And I have no regrets. YOLO baby. (though in my defence, I walk a lot so that cholesterol gets burned pretty fast) And also Ola Chips in Cheesy Crunch because they are just sooo yummy.
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source: Google Images |
Drinking: Would have said water but left my bottle at home. But I will be drinking some orange soda in a few minutes. I mean screw the weather, if I want a cold drink I will take my cold drink. But I am keeping warm though.
Reading: For my Accounting CAT on Friday. Guess who is now an Accounting Major?
Playing: Not a damn thing at all.
Wasting: No time trying to do my best in everything. Because as I turn 21 (fine I said it) I realize that the time to let my star shine was yesterday and I am done taking a backseat and settling for mediocrity as far as my goals are concerned.
Wishing:For a chance to take a flight anywhere because it has been forever since I felt that amazing adrenaline rush during take-off and I just want to roam the skies and view a sunset(or sunrise) from 5000ft above sea level. Sigh.
Enjoying: Life. And Love. Especially in all the unconventional ways it tends to manifest itself around me.
Liking: The fact that my wardrobe is starting to shape up. Lately I have these days when I just look at my closet and think, damn, my outfit game is on point. And I have no shame in blowing my own trumpet because I do dress much better nowadays.
Wondering: Whether I made the right decision to be an Accounting major. I love what I do. Actually, I am in love with it because it is finally starting to make sense. But there is that voice that questions whether this is what I will spend the rest of my life doing. The way I am falling in love with writing lately, only time will tell.
Loving: Ola Tortilla Chips. I am not a foodie. But I do have a slight junk food fetish. And Ola, I love you very much.
Hoping: That this state of slight normalcy that has returned to this country persists. I am super thankful for it because the past few months in this beautiful nation were crazy and I keep praying we never go back to those days again.
Marveling: At how fast time flies. Can you imagine a year ago I was this young lass coming to terms with the fact that I am not a teen anymore and now well, I am still in that state of disbelief, but now I have a blog :). And being legal is sort of cool so I love it.
Smelling: The air of our school library. I love that smell by the way, of pages of old books that are still in a very new condition. So beautiful.
Wearing: (as I type this) a heavy blue scarf because it is cold outside and my neck is super sensitive. But when this post shall be published, I will be wearing a bright Kitenge jacket. Because how else will they know I am the birthday girl?
Following: This blog though it may be relatively new I love the perspective the writer is taking in talking about Nairobi. Also following Olive Gachara's Instagram account after watching her interview on Young Rich. Her story on how she started her business is just so amazing, definitely my role model.
Noticing: How my grammar lately is becoming atrocious. This will change. So if you hear me speaking in a new more polished accent, don't hate baby, emulate :)
Knowing: A lot more than I did a year ago. I know now not to judge others when they sin a little different than me. I also know myself better and how to handle myself better in situations that potentially bring out the worst in me. Most importantly I know now that at the end of the day people will judge you whether you do right or wrong so I now only listen to the most important voices, mine and that of my Maker.
Thinking: About what I am going to eat for lunch. I think I am hungry.
Feeling: Excited. I always do,every time I blog and share my mind.
Bookmarking: Nothing new. Same old fashion blogs although my photographer friend The Masked Bandit has this really cool project going on that is all about sharing the voices and stories of people in this city. Check out his Instagram. Cool stuff right there.
Opening: a tin of Lip-balm maybe. Okay pass on this one.
Giggling: Instacomedy. Enough Said.
Listening: To Magic by Coldplay. This song is just all forms of deep. And the fact that I sort of relate to that deep-ness just makes it so beautiful. Good music right there.
Well, thank you for caring about what goes on in my mind on this day of my birth.
Happy birthday to all the Leos everywhere.
Thank you again for reading, your views are like my birthday gift, given all year round :-**
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