Friday 11 April 2014

5FT 8 PLUS 4

And today I bought my first pair of 4 inch heels. 
Not 5 or 6 but 4 inches. Actually 4.5 inches. And given how medically the recommended maximum height is 3 inches I feel like an underage teen who successfully sneaked out and returned home after their first rave... Bad Ass.
And they are very pretty.
Now I know at this point one may wonder,  what is the big deal? I mean people rock 6 inch heels every other minute. So let me answer that query in one statement.
5ft 8.
Yes in words that reads FIVE FEET EIGHT INCHES.
For those more familiar with the metric system it translates to about 172 cm.
And when you are 5' 8", there are some things you learn to accept.
You learn to accept that no single pair of trousers will fit quite right. Lengthwise anyway. They will always barely be long enough. Thank Fashion for the crop trousers that only tall people can rock peacefully. Otherwise someone would have to consider menswear for day to day pantalons.
Another thing you have to accept is the fact that 5' 8 " means always being that awkward one towering over group photos. Sadly. Especially when you are slim. Add that to day to day walks with your friends and how you become the one they always look up to. Literally. Even if their 5' 3" selves wear those 6 inch works of art. You will still always be that tall one. And this you learn to accept.
And then you realise you definitely will always have the short end of the stick when it comes to potential suitors. In English it means that you will never get the satisfaction of having to stretch for a hug from your man. Because you are probably taller than the average guy and the tall brothers are hard to find. Really. Opposites attract so find them with the shorter sisters. And this you accept. Albeit sadly.
So after all this problems including how you have to bend so as not to hit your head when entering some rooms as well as how your legs never fit in most places so you rarely enjoy your bus ride home,  you'd think life would give you a break when it comes to footwear right?
It's already bad enough you have to accept the fact that your size 10 foot barely fit most decent flat shoes. You learn to accept that when all your female friends and acquaintances are looking all fab in their dresses and 6 inch platforms you will be that one looking good too. Just without the heel.  Why?
Well stability is one thing. That fear that you are barely stable in your natural height so you hate to imagine what may happen when you add 4 inches to your centre of gravity. That and the fact that everyday you go drooling over these cute heels but your dreams are cut short soon as you see the size.
When you are 5ft 8 there are some girly pleasures you will never get to enjoy. And you accept that... Until you meet a pair that changes your mind.... And possibly your life.
Agenda number 4 on my bucket list can officially be completed. And to all those people who kept asking me if I wear high heels. The answer now is hell yes. Rather high ones FYI.
And so introducing...Me. I am 5' 8 ". Proudly.
And I bought a pair of shoes that got me feeling all bad ass. So I am bad ass. And awesome.
And I am a tall black girl who wears heels. And I rock. :-)
P. S
The courage to talk about my problems at 5' 8" was inspired by this random article I discovered in my state of bad ass-ness.
And for all the bad ass black ladies who are 5ft 7 and above and be rocking them hot high heels.... RESPECT because you rock. :-*

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