Wednesday 23 April 2014

A.K.A The Intern

Fifteen unpublished drafts down the road.
I am overdue with this post, sorry. Hope I can write this to completion.
Thanks for allowing me to borrow 2 minutes of your life by reading this blog, by the way. Feel free to tell me what you think. And now for the post....
For those who have my number you probably noticed my WhatsApp status is something like A.K.A the intern[glasses icon] therefore we shall call today's post...
A.K.A THE INTERN *glasses icon*
I am one more papercut and awkward elevator moment with a member of staff away from dropping this degree and going to do something absurd like selling 100 bob tops by the roadside in Toi Market.(No disrespect to the people that keep we city females looking pretty)
Don't tell my mother. Or any other person who can claim a similar role in my life.
See I just landed myself a golden,no not golden because even gold cannot describe the magnitude of this chance. This is more of a once in a lifetime shot.
Life is more precious hence a suitable adjective.
But guess what this gargantuan opportunity got me doing? Photocopying documents. And stapling them.
That is my starting job description. Arranging documents.
That is what I just started doing 8 to 5, weekdays.
I am no environmentalist but me thinks if institutes stopped relying so much on hard copy there would be enough damn trees to solve global warming. Just saying.
That said, there is a lot more to bitch about. For example this new feeling; the way I keep asking everyone for basic things like where are the ladies? What do you do when the printer is out of paper?
And the worst, when a visitor asks a question and I'm just as blank as they are so I'm all blonde like 'umm... I don't know just wait someone will come help you.'
My working hours is another pet peeve. Last week I ceremoniously bid goodbye to all weekday plans. Goodbye Terrific Tuesday.
And the traffic on my way home at the end of the day is just annoying. Nairobi when will this end?
So many reasons to be annoyed. I guess because I had this glamorous misconception that my first day would be all fabulous and it would be like working with The Gladiators. Power suits and matching heels, a team I blend easily into and I'd be spending my days making people's problems disappear.
Could this be because I am no Olivia Pope?
But on a serious note, someone needs to stop watching too much TV. Really. These series need to stop being bought. Like last week.
But in the past 48 hours as the Intern what I've realized is it's never roses, rainbows and butterflies.
Particularly at the bottom.
And since clearly everyone starts from somewhere, I have no choice but to accept my reality and make the most of it. I mean butterflies don't just happen. It's a process i.e. egg then the larva then the pupa and voila the adult butterfly. (I passed science in primary school by the way:-D )
Therefore in humility,I accept my path.
Learn. Discover.Grow.
So those paper cuts I still don't know how to prevent them. Suggestions anybody?
But for those awkward elevator moments, well earphones blaring that sweet Afro House music can fix that all day every day.  And a smile. Definitely a smile. :-)

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