Friday 13 June 2014


Dear Hero,

We've been to enough of them.
What I love?
Something good always comes out of them.
A terrific outfit: weddings bear testament proudly to my fashion sense that has evolved from green pencil skirts to peplum vitenges.
Additionally weddings are great for reconnecting with well, everyone.
I thank weddings for those old friends and dear family I am always running into.

But actually mine is more of a hate-love with weddings:

The fashion and the singing.
 Especially this song
(nice guitar opening chords)

I am deeply worried at heart...

How lately  they make me all teary.
I realized this was a problem when my hankie started getting wet and I remembered I didn't even know the name of the couple let alone my relation to them.
I realized also the words that start the torrent of tears:

I (insert father's name here) give my daughter (insert daughter's name here) to be wed...

I have no idea why.
There's always this lump in my throat and then this tear just falls.

But one thing I know, if it's a Kenyan wedding I will still always want to go.
Heck, even if it's a Russian one count me there.

It isn't about the food, Kenyans just never seem to get it right in that department. This could be blamed on wedding crashers. Those ones who reach the reception so boldly uninvited are the ones who in the words of a Mejja (a local artiste I love)"ndio wa kwanza kuwika hii food haina nyama "

(As I realize how I fall in this category  allow me to hide my head in shame)

However I do not crash weddings for food. Let it be clear.
I crash them because I crash them.

I crash them for this beautiful moment

I (insert father's name here) give my daughter (insert daughter's name here) to be wed...

I crash them to imagine what it would be like hearing you say those words.

I crash them to critique people getting it wrong with suits and dresses like I am some 20 year old Joan Rivers.

I crash weddings to pretend to  listen to people give speeches about people I did not previously know existed.

I crash them to imagine how if you were around they'd listen. Somehow. Even if the wedding is in the middle of no-where and it's 6.30 pm and people are impatiently waiting for the last round of free drinks and cake before they start their long journey back home,  they would listen. Because you always knew how to make them listen.

I crash weddings because at weddings, I miss you.
I crash weddings because at weddings I remember you and I wish you would have been there for some of them. All of them.

Really I do. Some of them you would have loved. They were all classy and elgenat they should have been made the SI unit for good weddings. I wish you would have seen them.

But what I wish for more? A chance to have you at the ultimate wedding. Mine.
If I do deciode to do one, I know it will be quite the teary affair.

I also know I will cry at my favourite part...

 I (insert father's name here) give my daughter (insert daughter's name here) to be wed...

Even though I know you will not be around, I'll cry a lot because I know wherever you are you'll be proud of me and judiging my chosen partner; As father's always do.

By the way they will do a tribute at mine. For you.

They'd rather skip

my sweet Elizabeth but why did you have to goooooo....

but I will cause a serious scene if they skip that.

Anyway I guess that's all.

I miss you BTW.
And thank you for the eighteen years, two months and twenty eight days you were a great dad.

source: Google Images


  1. Tears!!! Megan, drop whatever career you're pursuing and become a writer. You will be one of the greats

  2. Thanks Kanyiri. Trust me the thought of doing that crosses my mind a little too often :-)


Enough about me tell me what you think...